My daughter's welcome when I get home
- A cold breeze and bright sunshine
- Discovering new places to eat or to enjoy a lazy afternoon
- Buying our daughter new clothes and shoes (because this means that she's growing and she gets so excited over a $3 t-shirt from Target.
- Clothes that do double duty – UPF & Insect Repellent (e.g. ExOfficio)
- Playing at the park with our daughter
- Family gatherings especially birthdays & other celebrations
- My husband's kindness
The sound of the ocean
- Orange Cup Frozen Yogurt with walnuts and fruit
Favorite gadgets or tools
- My BlackBerry phone
- Our Zooper Zydeco stroller
- Wi-Fi and Laptops
Bluetooth wireless ear pieces
- iTunes and iPods
- Portable DVD players for long trips
- Digital Cameras
(video & still)
- Moleskine Pocket Weekly Notebook
- Twitter, Facebook, & Blogger
- Stylish & functional Diaper Bags
- Figuring out what certain cries sound like and mean
- Coming through the first illness with a healthy child
- Seeing their first smile
- Witnessing Mobility: from rolling over and sitting up to cruising and walking
Experiencing teething: from itchy gnawing on everything to sharp bites on skin
- Feeding them solids: from mush to table food
- Seeing them communicate like little mimes
- Hearing first words and eventually conversations
- Listening to your child sing
- Savoring hugs and sloppy kisses
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